Why Stand?
Why Stand?
For many years people have worked at the traditional static desk with very limited opportunities to move throughout the work day. Today’s work force is spending more time working at a desk with a computer and there is now more awareness of the long term benefits of a more dynamic sit to stand workstation.
Employees and employers have since learned that switching from sitting to standing though-out the day has many benefits including physical alertness, increase productivity and staying fit while on the job.
More Energy!
“I have really been enjoying the TaskMate! What a difference it makes to stand instead of sitting all day. I feel much more alert (no afternoon yawns)”
Burns Calories
“What a difference! I have sat at my desk for almost 15 years now. Last week, when the TaskMate was put in, I could tell I would like it right away. I feel more fit from standing verses sitting! It really makes a difference!”
Improves Blood Flow
“I have using the TaskMate for a few weeks now and I have noticed I do not get as cold. When I used to sit my hands would always be freezing this time of year!”
Increase Productivity
“I feel with the attachments I am able to be more organized therefore more productive! I also find myself moving around more. People often ask “don’t your feet hurt, don’t you get sick of standing?” My answer is NO! If I feel I need to sit, I can easily lower it with the simple push of the button – mixing it up a bit makes it all the better!”
More information about the benefits of a Sit to Stand Workstation.
Web Sites
Ergonomics of the Workplace
Ergonomics OSHA
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors
International Ergonomics Association
Association of Canadian Ergonomics
Published Studies
The obesity epidemic is attributed in part to reduced physical activity. Evidence supports that reducing time spent sitting, regardless of activity, may improve the metabolic consequences of obesity.
A new study from American Cancer Society researchers finds it’s not just how much physical activity you get, but how much time you spend sitting that can affect your risk of death. They conclude that public health messages should promote both being physically active and reducing time spent sitting.
A sedentary lifestyle (ie: undertaking none or insufficient amounts of health-enhancing physical activity) is considered to be a major contributor to adverse health outcomes such as type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.
Sitting time and mortality from all causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Research suggests that sedentary behavior may increase the risk of some chronic diseases. The aims of the study were to examine whether sedentary work is associated with colorectal cancer and to determine whether the association differs by subsite.
Physical inactivity has become a major public health concern because it is the second leading single cause of death in the United States, trailing only tobacco use. Physical inactivity is also associated with increased risk of morbidity or worsening of many chronic diseases and health conditions
Women not getting enough exercise; at risk of developing metabolic syndrome April 10, 2012 in Health A national study shows that women are less likely than men to get at least 30 minutes of exercise per day, resulting in greater odds of developing metabolic syndrome – a risky and increasingly prevalent condition related to obesity.
White Papers
Three out of Four Full-Time Employees of Large Companies Wish They Didn’t Spend Most of Their Working Hours Sitting
News Media
Sitting All Day: Worse For You Than You Might Think
Stand Up To Save Your Life
Sitting on an Early Grave
Stand Up For Your Health
Physiologists And Microbiologists Find Link Between Sitting And Poor Health
Are You Sitting Down?
Binkley & DeRusha Stretch It Out (New Name)
Physical inactivity just as deadly as smoking, report says
A recent report has estimated that about one-third of adults worldwide are not doing enough physical activity – causing just as many deaths as smoking, BBC News reported.