You have a word in your notes that does not make sense in the context of the sentence. How do you know where to go in the dictionary to look up a similar word? You have “It was a naughty problem that had to be resolved.” How do you find the word that is “close” in sound or stroke to naughty and that makes sense in the context of the sentence? Does it always occur to you to look under exactly the correct letter in the dictionary?
Word Pares, Pears, Pairs is your answer. With over 2,800 words and a complete alphabetical listing in the index, the solution to your dilemma is at your fingertips. You find naughty in the index; you go to the page where it is discussed; you find knotty. Ah, yes. Of course. It is a “knotty problem.”
You have enter, but someone is being buried; you want inter. You have “It didn’t phase him”; you want faze. You have children “gambling” on the lawn. I think they are probably “gamboling” on the lawn. Each of these answers is in the pages of this book.
Word Pares, Pears, Pairs gives you grammar information, part of speech, definitions and synonyms, examples of how the word is used, and idiomatic expressions for the words in an easy-to-use format. This book is a “must-have” for anyone that deals with the English language.